What are apps?

Apps are self-contained, HTML-based representations of software components. The content palette displays the apps that are available for you to use in the Home page.

You can access the following types of app from the content palette:
  • IBM® Connections version 5.5. The apps available from the content palette include apps for the Connections version 5.5. Use these apps to display a snapshot view of the latest updates for each app. The content palette also contains social analytics apps if your administrator has made them available. These apps recommend Connections version 5.5 content that might be relevant to you.
  • Third-party apps. When your administrator has enabled the use of apps or OpenSocial gadgets from another vendor, these are displayed in the content palette along with the Connections version 5.5 apps.
You can access the content palette from any of the Home page views by clicking Customize.
Note: For Connections version 5.5 apps to load properly in Microsoft Internet Explorer, ActiveX Controls must be enabled on the Security tab. To access the Security tab, select Tools > Internet Options > Security.

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