Searching within a community

Search a community for a keyword to return all of the community content that contains that keyword. Your search results include content from any apps that are included in the community, for example, activities, blogs, events, and wikis.

Before you begin

You must open a community before you can search the content within that community.

Note: If your community contains linked libraries, content from those libraries is only searched if your administrator enabled it. When linked library search is enabled for Communities, an extra Linked Library tab displays with your search results from linked libraries. Search results from linked libraries do not display in the All Connections Content tab.


To search the content of a community, complete the following steps.

  1. Click the Down arrow next to the search control and ensure that This Community is selected. This option is selected by default.
  2. Enter one or more keywords to search for in the field.
  3. Click the search Search icon Icon.

What to do next

Search results are displayed in a tabbed view, with each tab corresponding to an app in the community. The order of the tabs corresponds to the order in which the apps are displayed in the community.
Note: If your community contains linked libraries, content from those libraries is only searched if your administrator enabled it. When linked library search is enabled for Communities, an extra Linked Library tab displays with your search results from linked libraries. Search results from linked libraries do not display in the All Connections Content tab.
Review your search results as follows:
  • Click the title of one of the results to open it and review it in more detail.
  • Click a tab to display the results from a specific app. For example, if your community has a blog and you're interested in finding relevant blog entries, click Blog to display the results from the community blog.
  • Use the Sort by options to sort the results by relevance or date.
Tip: If there are too many results, you can search again. To search on a single keyword, enter a search term into the You searched for field and click Search Again.

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