Adding apps to your Community

Add apps to your Community to make extra functions available to Community members. You must be a Community owner to add or remove apps from a Community.

Before you begin

The choice of apps that you can add to a Community depends on what your administrator makes available. You can add the following types of apps to communities:
  • Connections version 5.5 apps. To add an app to your Community, it must be installed in your deployment. For a full list of the Connections version 5.5 apps available for use in Communities, see Communities apps.
  • Custom apps. When your administrator enables custom apps from another source, these apps are displayed in the content palette along with the Connections version 5.5 apps.

About this task

Apps are self-contained, HTML-based representations of software applications. When you add an app to a Community, you create an association between that Community and the app. Membership between the Community and the app is synchronized, and links to the app are created in the Community so that you can find and work that app. A summary of the latest activity is posted on the Community's Overview page, You can access an app at any time by clicking the corresponding link in the Community navigation bar.

When you first create a Community, it displays the following apps by default: Recent Updates, Status Updates, Forums, Bookmarks, Files, and Members.You can customize your Community by adding extra apps. For example, adding the Wiki app gives members access to a wiki where they can share files and collaborate on project documents. Adding the Blog app lets you create a blog for the Community where members can communicate dynamically and stay up-to-date with the latest Community news. The content palette displays the full selection of apps that your administrator makes available for use in communities.


To add an app to your Community, complete the following steps.

  1. Log in to Connections version 5.5 and open a community to which you have Owner access.
  2. From the Community Overview page, select Community Actions > Add Apps to open the content palette.
    Note: You can add multiple galleries to your community. Each new Gallery appears beneath the previously added gallery. You can change the position of the gallery by dragging it to a new location.
    Note: You can also add multiple Rich Content pages to your community. Each new page appears beneath the previously added page. You can change the position of the rich content page by dragging it to a new location.
  3. Click an app to add it to the Community.


A section that contains the app is added to the main pane of the Overview page, and a link to the full app displays in the Community navigation bar under the Overview button. Click on Overview in the navigation bar to display or hide community apps. Any subcommunities are displayed or hidden in the same way. .

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