Getting the web address of an individual entry

You can open an entry in its own web page, and then save the page as a bookmark, send it to another member in a chat message, or post it as a bookmark entry in an activity. Anyone who subsequently opens the link is taken directly to the entry's web page.

Before you begin

To open an entry from a permanent web address, you must be a member of the activity that contains the entry. You cannot use a link to an entry to share it with someone who is not a member of the activity.

About this task

To get the web address of an entry, complete the following steps:


  1. Find the entry that you want to bookmark or share, and then click More Actions > Link to this Entry.
    Note: If you cannot see the More Actions link, your view may be collapsed. Click the entry title to expand the entry.
  2. You can now bookmark the entry or share it with other members by copying the web address from the web browser's location box and pasting it into a chat, or the bookmark field of an activity entry.

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